Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Win $500 for Your Geography Education Matters Video!

National Council for Geographic Education Sponsors Video Contest

Use your creativity to show "Why Geography Education Matters to you!"

See for rules and how to submit.
Deadline: Midnight Eastern Time Nov. 30, 2010.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Remote Sensing Technology Can Save Lives

Data May be Used to Help Prevent Disease Outbreaks

The Space Foundation, an international nonprofit advocate for the space industry, has released a White Paper stating that data from remote sensing satellites can be used to develop models to predict areas at risk for disease outbreaks.

What are some ways you think remote sensing could be used to benefit society?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Celebrate GIS Day on Nov. 17th!

Announcing Our 2nd Annual GIS Day Statewide Webcast for Hawaii Schools

We invite teachers of all grades and schools throughout Hawaii to sign up today to help your students celebrate GIS Day on November 17th!

-Choose from an exciting schedule of LIVE presentations from GIS Professionals!
-Assemble a group of students (and/or colleagues) behind a computer that has Internet and speakers set up!
-Learn what GIS is by hearing and seing real-world uses of it!
-Expand your students' awareness of the exciting career paths in GIS here in Hawaii!

GIS = Geographic Information Systems

Download the Flyer HERE:

Sign Up to Participate HERE:

Note: This event is FREE. Sign up early to be able to view your 1st choice of presentations. Limited spaces available.