CoastLines 2010 Application is Online!/CoastLines/ is a three-year Comprehensive Project for Students and
Teachers funded by the Innovative Technologies for Students and Teachers
(ITEST) program at the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project is
introducing fundamental concepts about information technologies (IT) to
grade 7-12 schools. /CoastLines/ is accomplishing this goal by involving
teachers and students in using geographic information systems (GIS) and
global positioning system (GPS) technology to conduct scientific studies
of coastal ecosystems in the NSF’s Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)
The /CoastLines/ project is now accepting applications from teachers to
participate in the 2010 project cohort. The online application form is
located at: Teachers in the Santa
Barbara/Ventura, California, region are particularly encouraged to
apply. Other educators will be accepted on a space-available basis.
For more information about joining the project, click the Overview tab
on the /CoastLines/ Web site. Click the 2010 Application tab to access
the application form. The application should take approximately 15
minutes to complete.
DEADLINEApplications for the 2010 project must be submitted no later than 11:59
PM local time on Sunday, 31 January 2010.